If it is Thursday it must be Lyon
Well into our second week we are developing a rhythm of breakfast, tour, lunch, nap, stroll, evening announcements, dinner, entertainment. This morning started with coffee, yogurt and fruit on the back deck, followed by our tour of Lyon.
Built in the late nineteenth century with major construction taking 25 yeaers, this is one of the most beautiful churches I have every been in. Because it was completed in a relatively short period of time, it is complete and consistent through out. The walls are all done in mosaics ornated with gold telling the story of Mary, Joan of Arc, among others. From the top of the hill we were able to see the entire system which is much bigger than I ever imagined with more that 2 million population.
La Basillica Notre Dame Fouriere |
From there we went back down to the old town where we toured some of the streets. One fascinating thing were learned about were the Tarblou's (sp?). The streets all ran north and south and were continuous construction between of six to eight story buildings. There were few places to cross from one main street to the next, so people allowed you to travel through the hallways in their buildings (by foot or horse) to get from one street to the next. A few still remain.
We stopped at a local pastry shop that was very popular to purchase and try a couple local delicacies. Tres bien!
According to my rhythm of the day it is now time for lunch. Bon jour!