Thursday Evening in Monte Carlo
Fact of the day: did you know that the famous beach at Nice is not sand but is all smooth stones. There is sand only below the water line. What's with that? After a short break and a shower, it was time to be on our way again for an evening in Monaco. We mounted our coach and drove east along the coastline. As always, we started out by visiting the old town section of Monaco. The number of huge yachts in the harbors is mind-boggling. We then visited the cathedral. Here behind the alter are buried all the prior prince's and princesses including Princess Grace. It is an impressive facility. Our next stop was to see the royal palace. We also so the smaller house where Princess Carolyn lives. It was then time for fine dining in one of the restaurants adjoining the casino. For dinner we started with a huge salad that included many types of lettuce, tomatoes, feta cheese, artichoke hearts, and mari...